The forms below are those needed to apply for the program. Please take care to ensure all sections are completed and return these completed forms to the INSTEP West Contact Person at your school.
Workplace Agreement and Request Form
Workplace Agreement and Request Form
There are clear expectations, rights and responsibilities for students whilst in their workplace. These are covered during an Induction and in class (if timetabled) and are also listed below. Students will also be required to sign a Workplace Agreement to show that they have read and agreed to these expectations and responsibilities.
Students are expected to:
- Commit to industry-based learning.
- Cooperate and accept duties in an obliging manner.
- Work with the workplace supervisor to design a workplace learning program that includes experiences and activities that develop the core skills for work.
- Be eager to learn, listen to instructions and ask questions.
- Be respectful, polite, courteous and honest.
- Meet standards of hygiene, decency and cleanliness.
- Comply with specified uniform and/or standard of dress expected at the host workplace.
Students are entitled to:
- A workplace that is safe and free of bullying, discrimination, harassment or intimidation.
- A meal break at a time to be negotiated with the workplace supervisor.
Students are responsible for:
- Contacting the workplace supervisor and, if requested, attending an interview before starting the work placement.
- Contacting the workplace supervisor and Workplace Learning Coordinator or INSTEP West if unable to attend the workplace on any given occasion.
- Taking their Logbook to the workplace and completing the required written components each day of work placement.
- Following workplace rules and protocols, including use of mobile telephones and personal digital devices, use of company computers for personal use, or to access non-work related web sites.
- Maintaining their own safety and carrying out work duties in a safe manner.
- Observing specific company safety policies, procedures and standards in the workplace, including reporting any workplace injuries/incidents and hazards/dangers.
- Ensuring information regarding the business, and all people with whom students may have dealings, are kept confidential (students may be asked to sign a Confidentiality Agreement).
- Maintaining high standards of conduct, and as a minimum, abiding by all Federal, State and Local Government Laws.
Parents should be aware that their son/daughter is covered through their school's insurance for personal injury, property damage and public liability for the duration of each work placement
To successfully complete the endorsed program (ADWPL) a student must:
- Work in one or more real workplace/s to develop a set of transferable workplace skills.
- Complete all personal and work placement details, record the number of hours completed and the tasks undertaken in the Workplace Learning (ADWPL) Logbook and Skills Journal.
- Receive at least a "Satisfactory" rating from your workplace supervisor in his/her evaluation.
- Provide evidence of their knowledge and understanding of the workplace skills by completing the Skills Journal after each 55 hours completed in the workplace.
- Attend an induction which covers Expectations, Rights and Responsibilities including:
- Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)
- Professionalism and confidentiality in the workplace
- Personal grooming and hygiene
- Dress standards/requirements
- Protective behaviours (dealing with harassment, bullying)
- Workplace protocols (use of the internet, mobile phones, drugs/alcohol testing).
- Complete the WorkSafe SmartMove Certificate (online).
- Complete a WA White Card accreditation (for working on construction sites only).
Unit equivalence is allocated on the basis of 1 unit being equivalent for each 55 hours completed in the workplace, to a maximum of 4 units (220 hours). That is:
- Less than 55 hours = 0 unit equivalent
- 55 -109 hours = 1 unit equivalent
- 110 – 164 hours = 2 units equivalent
- 165 – 219 hours = 3 units equivalent
- 220+ hours = 4 units equivalent
The total number of hours completed in the workplace is reported on the student's Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement.
To enrol in INSTEP students must complete the Student Registration, which is an online application (instructions given by their School INSTEP Coordinator).
Applicants will then attend a selection interview conducted by the INSTEP Regional Office and will usually take place during Term 4 in preparation for placement in the following school year. Their School INSTEP Coordinator will advise them of the venue, date and time of interview. Following the interview the applicant will receive an email advising whether or not they have been accepted into the program.
A less formal, performance interview is held mid-year for reviewing the students first placement and discussing choices for their second semester placement. These times will vary depending on if the student is doing a semester (1 day per week) or block placement.
Applicants will not be accepted if the interviewer believes they are unprepared to take on a work placement. This may be the result of a poorly organised portfolio, incomplete paperwork and/or a poor understanding and lack of enthusiasm and commitment to the INSTEP program. Their application will be discussed with the School INSTEP Coordinator to decide whether the student should reapply after addressing these issues.
An applicant's selection into the INSTEP program can be greatly enhanced by sound preparation beforehand. This is to be treated as applying for a job, to present smart and professional. When invited into the interview room, introducing themselves, smile and shake hands with the interviewer/s. This is good practice for when they meet their workplace supervisor. During the interview they could be asked a series of questions relating to:
- The INSTEP program, how it works and reasons for applying.
- Their strengths and weaknesses.
- Their understanding of the workplace and the type of tasks they may do.
- Strategies for maintaining their study program (i.e. keeping up with school work).
- 'What if ' questions. A work situation will be described and they will be asked how they would handle that situation.
- What they hope to gain by being involved in the program, and benefits they would bring to the workplace from an employer's point of view (i.e. why would an employer want them in his/her workplace?).
Following is a list of work placements that are generally available:
- Agriculture/Horticulture (includes landscaping/greenkeeping, garden centres)
- Animal Care (includes animal refuge, vet clinics, equine)
- Beauty Therapy
- Working with Children (includes childcare, teacher assistant and special needs)
- Design (includes graphic, multimedia, interior design, publishing, photography, fashion, printing)
- Electronics (includes sound and lighting)
- Food (includes butcher, pastry cooks, cake decorators)
- Hospitality (includes cafes, restaurants)
- Hairdressing
- Information Technology
- Library Assistant
- Marine (includes aquaculture, boat building/servicing)
- Medical (includes nursing, aged care, dental/doctors' surgeries)
- Metals and Engineering (includes welding, fabrication)
- Office and Administration
- Retail
- Sport and Recreation (includes schools, recreation centers, gymnasiums, swimming pools)
- Surveying
- Trades (includes auto electrical, mechanical, panel beating, spray painting, electrical, building, plumbing, refrigeration and air conditioning, cabinet making, furniture making, roofing and tiling).
Please note that whilst we endeavour to match a student's first work placement preference, the following industries can be difficult to secure work placements with:
- Defence Forces (Army, Navy and Airforce)
- Police, Security and Customs
- Television and Radio
- Theatre and Stage Production (mainly evening and weekend work)
Should students still wish to pursue placements in these industry areas, they are encouraged to use personal/family contacts.
A careers portfolio should be brought to the selection interview and include:
- Letter of Application to join the INSTEP program
- Resume with References
- School Report with any examples of excellent school work (include photographs)
- Certificates of Achievement(s) and/or Award(s)
- WorkSafe SmartMove Certificate(s), and White Card accreditation (if applicable)
Time and care should be taken with the presentation, correctness and order of their portfolio. If needed seek advice from School INSTEP Coordinators. This portfolio is a very valuable resource as it can be used when applying for future employment.
In line with the increasing obligations from WorkSafe Western Australia, it is our requirement that all INSTEP applicants complete the WorkSafe SmartMove Certificate. This is available online
We strongly encourage those students completing work placement within the trades sector to complete the White Card accreditation. This is not only compulsory for those on building sites, but is a very useful certificate to have which does not expire. School INSTEP Coordinators will guide students on the best way to complete this.
When a work placement has been secured a confirmation email is sent out to the student and their Workplace Supervisor.
The student is then expected to make contact with their Workplace Supervisor, introduce themselves and discuss arrangements for their work placement (confirming location, start and finish times, dress code and transport arrangements etc). Sometimes the student may be asked by the employer to meet them prior to commencing their placement, which would be another great opportunity to showcase their Careers Portfolio.
Program Coordinators
- Interview, select and induct student trainees in consultation with the school coordinators.
- Match student profiles to work placements.
- Provide documentation and insurances to supervisors outlining the program and their duty of care responsibilities.
- Monitor, visit and support students in their work placements.
Each school has a School INSTEP Coordinator who is the link between the Regional Office and the student. The School INSTEP Coordinator provides advice and monitors each student's progress. The School INSTEP Coordinators role is to:
- Conduct information sessions.
- Provide ongoing support and guidance to students.
- Help students prepare for the interview.
- Monitor the Logbook and Skills Journal.
- Visit students in the workplace if feasible.