Training and

INSTEP West engages students in workplace learning as part of their WACE.

As Principal of Iona Presentation College, and on behalf of the Principals in the INSTEP West cluster of schools, I welcome you to the INSTEP West website.

INSTEP West is based at Iona Presentation College and manages the School Curriculum and Standards Authority endorsed program — Workplace Learning (ADWPL) as part of the Western Australian Certificate of Education.

Students in Years 11 and 12 can choose to undertake workplace learning to demonstrate and develop transferable employability skills. They gain invaluable experience by working in an industry or organisation where they apply and adapt workplace skills and knowledge in real workplace settings.

The Australian Government recently launched a Future Ready program which is a student-focused career education strategy. It is headlined "READY FOR A WORLD YET TO BE IMAGINED".

After consultation with education, business and industry groups, parents and carers, career practitioners and youth the vision of Future Ready is "that every student in every school has access to high-quality career education to help them make a successful transition from school to further education, training, work or a combination of these".

The Future Ready strategy includes developing transferable skills, greater student exposure to training and employment pathways and career education experiences that are relevant and applicable to post-school life.

I believe our workplace learning program is integral to achieving the vision of the Future Ready initiative. Our students are faced with often complex career pathways and to have the opportunity to gain experience in real work settings and develop transferable skills is invaluable. This, along with formal post-school qualifications, will prepare them well for the ever-changing world of work.

Ms Robyn Millar
lona Presentation College

Chanel Turner kneeling beside a display of childrens' art



Iona Presentation College,

I completed my INSTEP placement at Aquinas College Junior School. It allowed me to gain experience in the workforce and become more independent by working alongside people I was unfamiliar with.  The highlight would have to be interacting with children, assisting them and observing how they are taught by their teachers. The INSTEP program enabled me to acquire new knowledge, as well as establish a possible career pathway for myself.



Scotch College,

I like being an INSTEP student because you discover what you have a passion for. You also get to have a good understanding of what the work force is like. The good thing about my work placement in aquaculture is that it's all hands on... there's no computer work... it's all physical activities. It's also good because I only have four days to attend at school as I go out to my placement once a week... usually on a Wednesday.

Rory Blackley in PPE



Aquinas College,

INSTEP has made it clear to me that I don't want to become a tradesperson as I realised that I couldn't cope with cabinet making every day. After trying two different trades I tried a sports assistant placement and from day one I felt happier and more comfortable in that environment. This is now the career that I'm going to pursue. INSTEP can help you discover how well you fit into a workplace to find your preferred role too.



Iona Presentation College,

In Years 11 and 12, I have been involved in the INSTEP Program. I was able to attend a placement at King Edward Memorial Hospital. This was a privilege and a wonderful opportunity. The program provided me with a greater understanding and expectation of the roles of nursing and midwifery. My favourite part was seeing the babies move out of intensive care to the ready-to-go-home unit. Helping mums through this journey was amazing.



Scotch College,

What I liked about my INSTEP workplace is that I got a feel of what it's like to work as a greenkeeper and to see what they do day in and day out.

I really enjoyed being outside and completing hands on tasks. I also enjoyed meeting so many new people that work as greenkeepers as it is a profession that I might consider later on in life.

Charles Harding lying on a field in PPE, working in a hole.

Participating Schools

aquinas-crest-solo.svg ccgs-crest-solo.svg iona-logo-crest-v-dark-blue-text.svg john-xxiii.svg scotch-college-vertical.svg

stfrancis.jpg st-hildas-logo-vertical-colour.svg Methodist Ladies College PLC Perth wesley-crest.svg

The crests above link to the web sites of participating schools.


for students
& parents






